L.A. Complex Wiki
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Hair Colour Brown
Occupation Stand-up Comedian
Nationality Canadian (Edmonton, Alberta)
Alias(es) Nick
'The Comedian'
First Appearance Down in L.A.
Portrayed by Joe Dinicol

Nick Wagner is the struggling "nice guy" who is a stand-up comedian from Edmonton. He's always the best friend and never the boyfriend. He will be portrayed by Joe Dinicol.


As Nick helps his friend Connor move out of their complex, he gets a phone call from Tariq who explains to him that a friend, Abby, broke down her car and needed some help. Nick goes over to where Abby is and fixes her car for her and he offers to follow her home to make sure her car won't break down again, but she explains that she's evicted and has no where to live except in her car. Back at The Lux, Nick convinces his landlord Eddie to let Abby stay at The Lux and he also offered to pay her rent for the first few days. At the pool party that night, Nick introduces Abby to Connor, and once they leave, Tariq points out the obvious: "If you think a girl is cute, don't introduce her to your hot friend". At the Improv Club, it's time for Nick's big shot but he blows it. On his way out after a terrible night of comedy, he runs into Mary Lynn Rajskub and Scott F. Thompson, who explain to him that he's a horrible comedian.


Abby Vargas

Nick obviously shows his interest in Abby upon meeting her. He introduces her to Connor, but he'll regret it after realizing they slept together.Him and abby soon have a casual relationship but abby relizes that she wanted to be in a commited reationship with nick but thats all over when he tells her that he had hooked up with sabrina the day before they had sex but in the end of the fanale it seems that him and abby will conttinue there relationship together



  • After getting drunk together one night after his stand-up show at The Improv, Megan and Nick have a one-night stand together. Megan faints halfway through and when she wakes up that morning, she has completely forgotten what happened between Nick and her in the middle of the night. Confused, she kicks Nick out of her apartment
  • SABRINA nick and sabrina met at a comedy acting thing during an intense scene they share a kiss wich makes nick consider that the kiss was more than an acting excercise but she assures him that it was nothing so she invites him to her house to listen to a famous comedy man from back in the day but when nick arrives he is confused when they are not listening to the comedy things but sabrina tells nick that she felt the same way and that she to felt an attraction between them and they began to have sex, with nick still confused she tells him that he wasint realy thinking thats why he came to her house for? but as they were done he explains that him and abby were in a casual relationship type thing but she trys to explain the thing that he and abby were having was not a casual relationship becuase of abby and her issues and that she was only using him when she needed him and that what her and him have is a casual relationship


Series Characters
Connor LakeNick WagnerKaldrick KingAlicia MannAbby VargasTariq MuhammadRaquel Westbrook